Seren Bell was born in Tiverton, Devon, in 1950 and educated at Tiverton Grammar School and Exeter University, graduating in 1986 with BA (Hons) in English and Fine Art. Shortly afterwards she returned to her family’s roots in Mid-Wales.
Seren has always had an interest in animals, sheep in particular, and it’s for her intricately detailed depiction of animals in the Welsh landscape that she is known throughout Wales and beyond. Her method of working is to draw the picture lightly in pencil and then add colour with crayons before over lining in Indian ink. It is this very individual technique which gives Seren’s paintings what one commentator has described as ‘a frightening realism’.
Examples of Seren’s work are contained in a number of collections including Somerset Museum of Rural Life, Newport Museum and Art Gallery and Alcuin College, York. In search of her subjects she regularly attends the Royal Welsh Show and visits rare breed farms.